Ngāti Rangi

Nau Mai

Whaia e au Manganui-o-te-ao kia tau au ki runga o Ruapehu ki Nga Turi o Murimotu ko te Ahi-ka o Paerangi-i-te-Whare-Toka i puta mai ai a Rangituhia, Rangiteauria me Uenuku-Manawa-Wiri.

Nau mai ra e te hunga titiro ki te whārangi ipurangi Ngāti Rangi ! E tuku atu ana i nga mihi o te Nuku, o te Rangi kia koutou, tātau ngā uri o Ngāti Rangi e noho ana i nga papa-tairite, puta atu i te ao.

Register for the financial literacy course now!

Equip yourself with tools and knowledge for long-term financial wellbeing, housing solutions and to ensure you are eligible for the next Ngāti Rangi Whānau Kāinga coming in 2025!

Click here to find out more

Mahinga Kai

Embark on a transformative journey with our Mahinga Kai - Te Hoata programme. Learn the traditional methods of growing, hunting, harvesting, preparing and processing kai from the whenua, ngāhere, awa and moana to feed your whānau! Starting January 2025.

See the full kaupapa here

Redundancy Support Programme

Ngā Waihua o Paerangi Kaimahi Support Liaison, Jude Sinai, is engaging with and providing wrap around support to all workers and their whānau made redundant through the recent closure of the Tangiwai Sawmill and Karioi Pulpmill.

Find out more here

Te Ara Mangawhero - Stage One Open Now!

The first stage of Te Ara Mangawhero, the 21km eco-tourism hiking/cycling trail connecting Tūroa and Ohakune on Maunga Ruapehu is officially open.

As tāngata tiaki o te taiao in the trail’s development, build and maintenance local iwi Ngāti Rangi are excited to see the newest section of the Mountains to Sea Ngā Ara Tūhono Great Ride track brought to life.

Read more about Te Ara Mangawhero here

Ngāti Rangi Community Health Centre

Ngāti Rangi Community Health Centre provides free services and health information to all residents in the Waimarino and Waiouru areas, regardless of ethnic origin.

The team are based at Maungārongo Marae and provide a truly community-led, iwi-driven Whānau Ora approach to address the clinical and cultural mental health and addiction needs of Tangata Whaiora and their Whānau.

Click here to see more about Ngati Rangi Community Health Centre's and our services